“The Goal is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary.”
“The Goal is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary.”
Hej Viktors! Idag har vi presenterat resultatet för första kvartalet 2023 och tack vare dig har vi riktigt bra siffror! Vi är på rätt väg. Tusen tack för det jobb du gör för våra medlemmar varje dag 💙 DU bidrar till att göra SATS starkare och våra medlemmar friskare och gladare!
Hej Viktors! Idag har vi presenterat resultatet för första kvartalet 2023 och tack vare dig har vi riktigt bra siffror! Vi är på rätt väg. Tusen tack för det jobb du gör för våra medlemmar varje dag 💙 DU bidrar till att göra SATS starkare och våra medlemmar friskare och gladare!
Med vänlig hälsning,
Med vänlig hälsning,
Torodd Gøystdal, Country Manager Sverige
Torodd Gøystdal, Country Manager Sverige
“ I have been working with Victor almost for 1 year and he is a true professional so passionate about his job and with a many years of experience. His training sessions are magical and you don’t feel at all how time passes by yet you always improve . He has always best vision and personal approach as to what is better for you . And his sessions are filled with light and laughter so that after you leave the training with the wings behind 💫.”
“ I have been working with Victor almost for 1 year and he is a true professional so passionate about his job and with a many years of experience. His training sessions are magical and you don’t feel at all how time passes by yet you always improve . He has always best vision and personal approach as to what is better for you . And his sessions are filled with light and laughter so that after you leave the training with the wings behind 💫.”
Natalija A.K.
Natalija A.K.